Entry-level bags are just the thing for any organization needing a simple design. We can work within your budget and help you with your graphic design and provide advice along the way. These versatile bags increase brand exposure as consumers reuse the bags for everyday activities like shopping, errands and vacations. N'Take carry bags last longer than our competitors and this quality reflects the value you place on your brand.
- Replaces up to 4 disposable plastic bags, helping stores and consumers reduce their environmental impact
- Satisfies the “no plastic bag”
requirements of many jurisdictions
- Large imprint area maximizes brand visibility
- Insulated bags available for dairy and produce items
- Sized to fit everything from books and packages
to clothing and housewares
- Ideal for virtually any hand-carried retail purchase
- Lightweight and strong enough to hold up to 50 pounds
- Large imprint area maximizes brand visibility
- Options are virtually unlimited
- Various bag materials available
- Standard color swatches and custom dyes
- Extra options include snaps, zippers, pockets and more